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Showing posts from October, 2017

Theory on Emotions: Shame and Guilt

        Envy is often accompanied by feelings of depression and shame. [1] Lewis (1993) appropriately gathers them under the heading of the self-conscious emotions. Izard (1991) characterizes shame as starting with a sudden intense awareness of self which thoroughly dominated consciousness.             Standards, rules and goals are established, the success or failure of one’s action with respect to these standards, rules and goals is evaluated, and attributions are made about the self. Part of the attributions will of course be concerned with the self-conscious emotions. For example, guild would be seen as stemming from a self-evaluation of failure but on which has dwelt on specific aspects or actions of self that have led to the failure. [2] Since it is normally concerned with evaluation by others, it usually occurs in social situations, although it can occur when alone. He views shame as an adaptive function of sensitizing us to the opinions of others and as prompting t

Theory on Emotions: Jealousy and Envy

The psychologists have made a far distinction between envy and jealousy. Yet so far jealousy and envy are not fundamental to any causal link for the most of mental illness and disorder. The sociologist Helmut Schoeck (1966/1969) argued that the concept of envy has been actively repressed in the social sciences and in moral philosophy since the turn of the country, possibly because it is unpleasant to admit it. Yet Schoeck’s thesis is that envy has an important role in all societies – that there are crimes of envy, politics based on envy, institutions designed to regulate envy, and powerful motives for avoiding being envied by others. Neglecting envy cost us a complete understanding of many interesting phenomena, so let us try to give envy it due.             Jealousy is the reaction to the threat that we might lose the affections of someone important to us and that these affections be directed towards someone else while envy is more simply a desire to have what someone else has. S

Few Things To Consider Before You Share Your Experience

I believe everyone has their own untold episodes of life stories   . .. wh ich they kept in their journal, diary and maybe in your mind palace. I also believe that your stories do not always means a mere story but also include with critics, comments, monologue or your feelings about it. However, what if you get an idea of sharing those experiences or stories and open it up on your blog, in the social media and other social networking that can enlarge the number of people reading it. Your stories can be a love story (maybe a sad love story), your journey of fighting against the cancer or other kind of diseases, your travel hollaaa stories or perhaps your story of getting yourself cured from mental illnesses. Honestly, I really like to read every kind of confessions or life-experience stories from blog, website (and IIUM Confession). For me, I know what happened to the people at the other side of the world, other states and other places. It doesn’t matter who write it but t