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Showing posts from November, 2017

The Psychology of Human Eyes [What person are you?]

Are you a visual person, auditory or kinesthetic person? Recently, I have joined a communication training. And yeah, the speaker did tell about whether we are an auditory person or visual person or kinesthetic person. There’s a lot of things he has shared, of course, and here one of them. How to recognize whether you are of auditory, visual or kinesthetic person? So the speaker chose me as I was sitting at the third row (easily approachable by the speaker, lmao!), he asked me this question. “Okay, if you were given RM50, what would you do with money?” Upon listening to that question, I remained quiet and think. AND you know what, just within just a second, the speaker said “You are a visual person.” I was like, D*mn and IMPRESSED . How did he know that? I never know I am a visual person as he claimed. No one told me that. *dramatic* The speaker that moved to his next agenda, asking another two persons the same question of which he had asked me. I becomi