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The Psychology of Human Eyes [What person are you?]

Are you a visual person, auditory or kinesthetic person?

Recently, I have joined a communication training. And yeah, the speaker did tell about whether we are an auditory person or visual person or kinesthetic person. There’s a lot of things he has shared, of course, and here one of them. How to recognize whether you are of auditory, visual or kinesthetic person?

So the speaker chose me as I was sitting at the third row (easily approachable by the speaker, lmao!), he asked me this question.

“Okay, if you were given RM50, what would you do with money?”

Upon listening to that question, I remained quiet and think. AND you know what, just within just a second, the speaker said “You are a visual person.” I was like, D*mn and IMPRESSED. How did he know that? I never know I am a visual person as he claimed. No one told me that. *dramatic*

The speaker that moved to his next agenda, asking another two persons the same question of which he had asked me. I becoming interested to know and that the level of curiosity reached the maximum capacity that I was really amazed. Absolutely the speaker needs to have the skill of observing behavioral patterns of people he’s confronting with.

“You are an auditory person.”

 “You are a kinesthetic person.”

So that’s the end of him questioning two individuals after me. He made that all the conclusion. Eventually the speaker ‘opened the box’ of my curiosity when he told all of us how come that he’s very certain that we are of what he has claimed with; visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

According to the psychological research and experiment, those person of visual, auditory and kinesthetic can be detected through their style of thinking.  That’s why the speaker asked a question. He further explained, when he asked me the question, my eyes automatically looked up at the ceiling. The second girl he asked, upon listening to the question, her head turned slightly to the right and the respond of the last person was, he moved his hands/pen at his hand.

All the responses are human automatic reflex. There is no error on it, unconsciously we did it without proper instruction from our conscious mind and yes, it is very amazing!


Looking at the ceiling: Our eyes rolled to the left up (diagonal). It means that we are trying to recall the memory from any section or parts of the brain where we have encountered any moment before of buying something worth RM50. It doesn’t necessarily that the person need to look up to the ceiling, often we visualizing or recalling something happened before in order to answer the question is enough to be certain that we are visual person. Usually when people recalling the memory, the eyes will automatically rolled to the up left. This also often happened when we are in the stressor point of answering examination question.


Its mean that our mind are operating to create a new image or to visualize something new. Just want to tell, our eyes often do this when we are in the examination hall because we are naturally in need to invent new information of we never taught before! Police often being careful and alert with this sign of eye rolled to the right up when they are in the state of interrogating or investigating criminal because it indicates LYING.


Of course we are good at watching slide or presentation. We are much likely to be entertained and maintain a long-duration focus by being attentive to moving object, graphic, images, and moving presentation rather traditional one (motionless). We have a better storage of keeping the information in the form the visualized data rather than audio data.


Head turned slightly to the right:  Its mean our mind are trying to search back all the documents in the parts of the brain of what had been heard by the ears before. Maybe we had have a conversation with our friend who had bought a purse worth RM50. High possibility that we will answer purse too.


We make a good imagination through what we are listening to. The storyline of someone’s lives told to us is like having a movie in the cinema with a high resolution existed in our mind *grab popcorn* because they apprehend and being attentive to facts, information verbally. We can maintain the momentum of listening for long period of time but graphic and kinesthetic activities might slow us down.


I have this one friend. During the examination, she often moved her pen during brainstorming the answer, sometimes she talked to herself (in quiet and normal behavior), her hands moved like she’s picking up an answer from the mind shelves (I don’t know which shelves). And that’s the characteristic of a person with kinesthetic style of thinking. Maybe their legs moving, or any other parts of the body moving indicating the state of thinking are in operation. It can be that during the state of thinking or pondering, they wandering about. They just want to move.


Kinesthetic is the one who learns best by feeling/sensing. We make the best studying through hands-on learning. Kinesthetic learners retain information best when we are doing activities. Having the legs walking on the treadmill at the same time reviewing the stack of flashcards or notes is one of the opportunity that visual and auditory cannot do. Learning can happen everywhere because we are accessible to it (if there are notes in your hands!).


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