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The Link between Childhood Trauma and Mental Illness

Mental Illness. Why everyone thinks the word ‘mental’ is too offensive and refused to talk about it? Wait! Mental illness doesn’t necessarily mean crazy, ye know. There’s always misunderstanding about mental illness where the old people and some of the young people firmly hold the ‘mental’ illness means crazy and try to avoid talking about it.

But, shall we skip that part? I am going to touch about the above topic mentioned.

People with experience of being sexually abused during their childhood will likely have the mental illness ie depression, anxiety, eating disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder etc. So, I found this statement in this book (The Link between Childhood Trauma and Mental Illness by Barbara Everett and Ruth Gallop) mentioned that,

            One of the emotion that (some) child abuse survivors felt is shame.

I was like, why shame? Plus, I have write about Shame and Guilt and you can find it in my blog. So, I’d be curious to know the relation between been sexually abused and the emotion felt.
It is hard for the child abuse survivor to admit they feel the pleasure during the sexual intercourse even though they were forced to do so. The nature of sexual pleasure come naturally and they felt shame for it. It’s like been abused sexually is something bad and they like the pleasure out of it. There were two contradicted emotions which brought to the confused feeling.
They like it? No, it is an abuse. No one like to be abused. They hate it? But they feel pleasure out of it. So, shame emotion come as a result. The next episodes would be depression where the 'denial' on part of the survivors in handling the emotions. 

Same goes to man who masturbate, later they feel shame or guilt for doing so because they know masturbating is prohibited by the religion and harm their health but they enjoyed the pleasure of sexual climate. Not to forget the female. Some female also masturbate, but we don’t call it masturbate haha. Our mother tongue language called it ‘onani’.

Pasted from the previous article:

            Lewis (1971)[8] provided the difference between shame and guilt centers on the role of the self in these experiences. She wrote: “The experience of shame is directly about the self, which is the focus of evaluation. In guilt, the self is not the central object of negative evaluation, but rather the thing done or undone is the focus.

            [9]Guilt involves a sense of tension, remorse and regret over the ‘bad thing’ done. People on the amidst of a guilt experience often report a nagging focus or preoccupation with the transgression– thinking of it over and over again, wishing they had behaved differently or could somehow undo the deed. It also highlights the guilt’s press toward confession, reparation and apology.

            In contrast, the feeling of shame are more likely to motive a desire to hide or to escape the shame-inducing situation. It involve an acute awareness of one’s flawed and unworthy self, a response that often seems out of proportion with the actual severity of the event.


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